Should We Treat Stress?

Should We Treat Stress?

Should we treat stress?

The answer to this question, as for most complex questions, is “it depends.”

For the good and tolerable stresses of daily life, the answer is clearly “no.” By definition, we handle good and tolerable stress well enough without needing to treat it. Forget about the mythical “stress-free life": If that were even possible, it would be bad for your health.

Stress: Good, Tolerable, or Toxic?

Stress: Good, Tolerable, or Toxic?

We can be glad that evolution has given us a stress response system that automatically self-regulates the basic functions that keep us alive. Imagine every day trying to figure out your breathing patterns, your heartbeats, your digestion, your sleep, and your responses to pain and pleasure. We go through most of our lives hardly thinking about this everyday miracle of self-regulation.