Here in Cincinnati on Sunday January 5th this year the snow started falling, and by Tuesday we had ten inches of white winter. Suddenly all we could talk about was plow routes and work closures and shovels and salt and furnace groanings and insulation R-values. The cold set in and stayed with us all month. We’re not used to that much work of winter.
Then on top of the snow and ice on January 20th Trump’s blizzard of executive orders started coming down, and suddenly all we could talk about was DJT’s latest page torn from Project 2025. It’s hard to know how long this political winter will last, but it’s already making shoveling snow look easy. He’s trashing aspects of our democracy that I have assumed were untouchable—birthright citizenship, USAID, CDC, the Department of Justice.
Trump has made no secret of his plan to embrace autocracy and curb our democracy in ways that are blatantly undemocratic and unconstitutional. So those of us who disapprove of his undemocratic actions must make no secret of our plans to resist with a capital “R.”
An insulation R-value is a measurement of how well a material resists the flow of heat into a space. I’ve been wondering lately how I’m going to measure my R-value in resisting the flow of DJT heat into the space of our democracy. What does “R” mean for me? What does it mean for you?
As a nation we elected him to do just what he is doing. To those who doubt that we can resist this autocracy, take heart and guidance from our civil rights leaders. Since the betrayals of Reconstruction and Jim Crow in the 19th century, the leaders of the civil rights movement have repeatedly fought to force this country into fairness and progress that now extends beyond race. Their persistence over centuries should guide us for the next few years to do what we can to reclaim a better brand of democracy than Trump’s. Let’s focus on the next two years for now, but the truth is that whether we win or lose elections, we will always have to fight for a better democracy. Resistance to autocracy, like promoting democracy, is not an excursion—it’s a way of living.
Here are a few verbs to get us started on what “R” could mean in the next two years: count, join, donate, protest, vote, promote, harbor, speak up, and show up. Imagine if we each do one of these a week (or a day, or a month, depending on your pacing), how resistance could become part of our way of living for the next few years.
Specifically, count means count every major autocratic or anti-democratic action the Trump administration makes. This may seem tedious, since there have already been so many, but the intended confusion (see Ezra Klein podcast 2/2/25) can be countered by careful counting, and by holding DJT accountable for every action he takes, including the ones eventually deemed illegal, unconstitutional, or impossible. Focus on his major actions, not his unreliable words. I’ve counted 16 anti-democratic actions so far since 1/20/25. By the time you read this there will surely be more.
This counting will become harder as time goes on, but watchdog websites can be relied on for keeping these tallies. Count also any pro-democracy actions, such as fostering the Gaza ceasefire and bolstering sanctions against Russia. He has been capable of doing some things right.
Join recognizes that the muscle of resistance comes through organizations that are large enough to force change. For me the list begins with the American Civil Liberties Union. My short list, which needs to get longer, includes the Southern Poverty Law Center, Emily’s List, Red Wine and Blue, and Fair Districts Ohio.
Donate recognizes that resistance, like most social actions, costs money. This might be the quickest and easiest way to “do something,” and it’s a meaningful part of the journey. Giving meaningful amounts to a few organizations probably is more sustainable than small amounts.
Protest may mean marching, standing, holding signs, chanting. Look for events to contribute to the frequency and volume and fervor of the voices of resistance. Or organize an event, even a small one.
Vote and Promote. The most fundamental thing we can do for democracy is vote, gather others to vote, and promote candidates who represent our values for democracy. The height of promotion is to run as a candidate, something more women did after Trump’s first election than ever before. Or lead a ballot initiative to improve democracy, such as banning gerrymandering.
Harbor recognizes that some immigrants at risk of deportation may need safe harbor from ICE arrests. Because the rules and targets are shifting daily, we will need the guidance of local organizations. Here in Cincinnati we have the Immigrant and Refugee Law Center, Legal Aid, and Catholic Charities of Southwest Ohio to guide us. Schools, churches, and homes can serve as safe harbors.
Speak up begins among our friends and colleagues, and it extends to speaking up in public events or through journalism or social media. Choose any medium in which you feel you can safely reach others to bolster the actions that resist autocracy. Braver Angels ( is helping us to speak up and listen respectfully to people who disagree with us. That’s a skill we all need to practice. Speak up to your state and federal representatives. Write letters to the editor of your local paper. Call in to talk shows and podcasts.
Show up means that even when you don’t know what to say, showing up at a democracy event to watch, learn, and be counted is a way of resisting autocracy. Show up to work polls, show up to collect signatures for pro-democracy initiatives. Show your allegiance to the resistance. Fold a ribbon into an R, and pin it to your lapel.
Together we can do better than we did in 2024, or autocracy will rule us. These are a few ways that Resistance is beginning to mean something to me, a way to measure my R-value. It’s work, like the work of winter, to be done at whatever pace I can keep up for the long run. It’s what I can do to shovel my path through the Trump years and to protect our democracy from the attacks of this autocrat and his followers.
What does “R” mean for you?